
The aim is to create a link between the worlds of research and business, through the use of quantum technologies in use cases, collaborations and technology transfers. Come and discover the applications of quantum technologies in research and industry. Presentations by researchers and industry representatives will be followed by a round-table discussion.


General informations

October 1st, 2024. From 1.30pm to 6pm.

Institut des Systèmes Complexes Paris IdF, 11 Place Nationale 75013 Paris, Niveau -1. Auditorium TOTEM.



Check the program: In progress


Confirmed speakers:

Julien Laurat (LKB)

Julie Grollier (UMPhy CNRS/Thalès)

Zohaib Khan (Kwan-tek)

Tristan Meunier (Quobly)

Perrine Berger (Thalès)

Thomas Rivera (Orange)


Round table moderated by Riadh Issaoui (HiQuTe Diamond) : 

Nicolas Cahuzac (INSP)

Matthieu Delbecq (LPENS)

Guillaume de Giovanni (Viqthor)

Olivier Tonneau (Quantonation)


Program : Program


Registration will be open until September 22, 2024.

Participation and on-site catering (coffee breaks, cocktail) are free of charge, but registration is mandatory

Registration requires the creation of a Sciencesconf account.


Organisation and supports


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